color names such as red, black, or blue.The color field accepts the following color names and values: For solid colors, use the color picker to select a new color or enter the value of the color in the text field. Your store's color scheme and color options are set within your theme settings. Background gradients replace the background where possible.Ĭolor is applied to the section or block text.Ĭolor is applied to the primary button background.Ĭolor is applied to the primary button text.Ĭolor is applied to the secondary button text and border. SettingĬolor is applied to the background of some sections and to the outline button background.Ī gradient of colors is applied to the background of some sections. You can also preview how your colors are displayed in the scheme's preview. You can assign different colors to various elements in a cohesive color scheme that can be applied across your theme where a color scheme picker is available. Color schemes are a theme setting that group elements and their respective colors in a visually representative way.